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Introducing Toxin Free Tribe

Introducing Toxin Free Tribe


They’re in the food we eat, the cleaning products we use and in the clothes we wear. As consumers, we expect or perhaps assume that our everyday purchases have been under every microscope in the lab so they’re safe to use before they hit the shelves, right?

Well, it appears this isn't necessarily the case, and research has shown that exposure to these potentially toxic chemicals is linked to chronic disease, sensitivities and allergies, breast milk contamination and early onset-puberty, just to name a few. Scary, huh?

The good news is you can reduce the risk to you, your family and the planet by ditching the nasties and choosing non-toxic and organic products and services, which is how Toxin Free Tribe evolved.

Founder Marnie, started her journey into clean living when she had trouble conceiving her first baby, and subsequently got no real explanation from her specialists. In her efforts to become pregnant she started eating a nutritionally sound organic diet and then quickly progressed into switching skincare products and cosmetics for organic versions. She ditched plastic as she realised the extent to which we were exposed to toxins on a daily basis. And ok she doesn't categorically say it’s the sole reason she finally fell pregnant, but she does believe that her switch to healthy options definitely helped.

Toxin Free Tribe was created to connect people who are interested in living a more toxin-free lifestyle. It showcases businesses that have the same intentions and makes products that are toxin free. They're passionate about finding healthy and nontoxic solutions to everyday living. As well as the directory of natural and organic businesses, you’ll find wellness tips and news, health-centric recipes, podcast recommendations and event listings to encourage and help you make healthy choices.

Clearly looking at recent stats, the interest in toxin-free products is growing. The global organic food market is expected to grow at over 16% by 2020, and organics is the fastest growing segment of the global personal care industry. Rising concerns for health safety, increasing go green consciousness and growing consumer awareness towards hazards of synthetic chemicals has fueled the demand for organic personal care products worldwide. 

Venturing down the path of non-toxic or natural living is not just for the ‘hippie dippie' anymore, it’s for all those who want to live a healthy optimal life.

So join the gang and hop over to Toxin Free Tribe to find out more: http://toxinfreetribe.com

Toxin Free Tribe Logo

1 Response

Marnie Iudica
Marnie Iudica

November 28, 2017

Thank you for sharing my story and business. I am honoured to meet so many like-minded and passionate people and business owners who all believe in better- for themselves, their families and the earth we live on. Knowledge is key so if we all keep learning and sharing what we know, we can become healthier and better role models for younger generations. It’s up to us to shape the world for those who follow us.

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