TESCO has joined 80 other international brands and committed to the Greenpeace Detox Fashion Campaign, which collectively together represents 15 % of the worldwide textile production.
Their garment brand, F&F Clothing, sold in 2,300 stores and trading out of 23 different countries, will immediately begin the process of eliminating hazardous chemicals from its supply chain.
“The Detox standard is the new industry baseline.. Tesco’s commitment shows the rest of the industry that using hazardous chemicals is not an option anymore,” said Kirsten Brodde, Project Lead of Detox Campaign, with Greenpeace Germany.
UK-based Tesco today joins a group of five German-based international retailers including Aldi and Lidl that have signed the Detox-Commitment two years ago.
Commonly used chemicals such as, Chromium VI, DMF, Phthalates, Alkphenols and Dispersion Dyes, can have various impact on human health and the environment, will be prohibited from use.
Over the last two years, here at FROM Clothing, we have been actively raising awareness to the chemicals used in active wear and how the body can potentially absorb them during exercise. So Tesco's sign up to Detox Fashion is huge for us and will help accelerate our Detox Active Wear campaign. With 79 million shoppers every week, Tesco's commitment will reach everyday people, right at the heart of our high streets, and provoke conscious thought to where, who and how our clothes are made.
Opening up the transparency of clothing supply chains empowers the consumer and helps them to make informed choices about their purchases.
Want to know more? Hop over to Greenpeace and read their full report here: https://goo.gl/y99xKw
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