Need Time Out - Close Your Eyes

How often do you feel you just need to stand back, take a moment and RECALIBRATE?

The momentum of day to day situations sometimes take us along where we never intended to go. Its not always easy in the midst of a conversation to step back, re-evaluate a situation and decide the desired outcome you would like.

EYES CLOSED is a simple tool I've used when caught up in something that starts to feel a little uncomfortable; be it a big 'to do' list and feeling 'OVERAWED' (see last Tuesday's Tools post), a difficult interaction with someone, or just wanting a bit of time out.

Closing the eyes immediately diminishes the amount of information these amazing sensory receptors receive, reducing the volume of nerve impulses trying to message the brain.

It gives you the opportunity to reduce outside stimuli, do a quick check in with yourself, and then CONSCIOUSLY decide HOW you want to continue with the current situation.

Literally remove yourself from the situation, even if just for a few moments; close your eyes, breathe deep and RECALIBRATE by asking, 'What do I want #from this situation?' Allow yourself the CONSCIOUS CHOICE, before something, or someone, makes it for you.

If you are in company and circumstances make it difficult for you to actually close your eyes, you can always use the 'popping to the loo' excuse, or pull over if you're driving 😄

Thinking you 'never have the time' is a state of mind. Taking a few moments to RECALIBRATE when you need to, will give you huge returns on your time investment going forwards.

RECALIBRATE Definition: The process or action of recalibrating an instrument or device e.g: to make small changes so that it measures accurately OR to change the way you do or think about something.

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